Grants and Contracts

Current Grants:

  1. Russian Science Foundation grant number 18-13-00479, 2018 – 2022, 30 Mill. RUB, on application of machine learning to constructing interatomic interaction models. PI: Alexander Shapeev.
  2. Joint Russian Foundation for Basic Research and German Science Foundation grant number 20-53-12012, 15 Mill. RUB, 2020 – 2022, on Machine learning the thermodynamics of complex materials with ab initio accuracy [Mach-Initio]. Skoltech PI: Alexander Shapeev (German PIs: Blazej Grabowsky and Fritz Koermann)
  3. Russian Foundation for Basic Research  grant number 20-03-00833, 3.75 Mill. RUB, 2020 – 2022, on Ring Polymer Molecular Dynamics and Interatomic Potentials with Active Learning: Quantum Effects in Astrochemical Reactions in the Gas Phase. The project is lead by Ivan Novikov.
  4. Swiss National Science Foundation grant number 191680, ~5 Mill. RUB, 2020-2021 on Fast algorithms for accurate crystal defect simulations: Towards computer-aided materials design. PI: Max Hodapp.


Past Grants:

  1. Skolkovo Foundation, Next Generation Program 2016-7/NGP (a joint Skoltech-MIT joint project), 37.5 Mill RUB, 2017-2020 on Machine Learning Elastic Strain Engineering. Skoltech PI: Alexander Shapeev (MIT PI: Ju Li).