Our second-year students from the Energy System Master Program defended their thesis on the 14th of June. Liliia Ageeva and Maksim Parshin, members of PACO group, were part of the students evaluated. They performed pretty well. Congratulations!
Liliia Ageeva presented her MSc thesis entitled "Identification of Feasible Regimes for Active Distribution Networks."
The thesis aims to define the flexibility range of coordination between TSOs and DSOs. This problem is vital for future power system for several reasons. First of all, the number of uncertainties in the grid is rising because of the distributed energy technologies have to become widespread. Secondly, there exist questions about effective operations in both distribution and transmission sides. The prospect electric grids will need further flexibility and coordination between TSOs and DSOs to be capable of operating in a reliable, secure, and economical fashion. The research effort in this thesis aims at establishing TSO/DSO interaction by studying and analyzing the flexibility that DSO could provide to TSO. The proposed methodology could be used for the industry for analysis of flexibility and sensitivity analysis of the DSO. At the same time, it opens new research questions for design new market mechanism that would incorporate the outcomes of this research.
Liliia published part of her thesis outcomes at the REEPE conference held in Moscow, 2019. The paper is titled Analysis of Feasibility Region of Active Distribution Networks.
Maksim Parshin presented his MSc thesis entitled "Demand Response Based on Droop Control for the Grid Frequency Control."
This thesis was focused on demand response services based on the droop-control technique as a potential solution to provide a fast response for the grid frequency control from thermostatically controlled loads (TCLs). In the case of the high integration of RES, this control can reduce the negative effect of power production uncertainties. Thus, loads with droop-control techniques can be counted as an ancillary service for frequency control.
In the thesis, new control algorithms were developed, implemented and tested using a thermodynamic model of a residential building with a controlled electric space heater. The changes in heaters consumption were analyzed in order to assist the grid frequency control. Additionally, the impact of the huge number of controllable loads to the frequency stability in the big power system was estimated. The proposed algorithms were also tested in the microgrid of the Skoltech Smart Grid lab.
Maksim published part of his thesis outcomes at the PowerTech conference held in Milano, 2019. The paper is titled On the Use of Thermostatically Controlled Loads for Frequency Control.