Andrey won the second position for the Falling Walls Lab Moscow. The competition consists of explaining your Ph.D. research topic in 3 minutes. This November he will be competing at the finals in Berlin.
If we look at the internet telecommunication grid that makes possible to have access to your favorite series from anywhere at any time, we realize that there are a huge number of interconnections between countries all around the globe. We understood that it is beneficial for everyone. Without such grade of interconnection, it would not possible to have developed the world wide web at the nowadays status. This is not the case for the electric grid. Despite to be about one century older, electric grids are usually developed within political borders. However, it has proven that electrical interconnection of countries is beneficial for everyone (see Europe or North America). Nevertheless, there are many open challenges for making it possible. Andrey’s Ph.D. research focuses on answering and proposing solutions that would support decision-making for cross-border interconnections.
Good luck in Berlin!