
The group focuses on inverse and ill-posed problems of mathematical physics and their applications in various fields of science and industry. Problems of this kind require research on modern methods of solution of integral and partial differential equations, regularization techniques, and high-performance computing. We develop new algorithms and computational software for practical applications in medical physics (electro- and magnetoencephalography, tomography, etc.), geophysics (controlled-source electromagnetics and full-waveform inversion), various kinds of microscopy and tomography (such as electron microscopy and tomography in backscattered electrons), image and signal reconstruction. The group is also involved in the research on the application of deep learning techniques to ill-posed problems.


Nikolay Koshev

Maxim Fedorov

Nikolay Yavich

Mikhail Malovichko

Ekaterina Skidchenko

Alexandra Razorenova

Internal collaboration: 

Dmitry Dylov

Non-official current and planned external research collaborations:

  • Moscow Lomonosov State University (MSU).
  • University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC).
  • Moscow State University of Psychology and Education (MSUPE).
  • Penza State University of Architecture and Construction (PSUAC).