
BiteNet is a computational approach for the large-scale detection of binding sites, that considers protein conformations as the 3D-images, binding sites as the objects on these images to detect, and conformational ensembles of proteins as the 3D-videos to analyze. Particularly, BiteNet is suitable for spatiotemporal detection of hard-to-spot allosteric binding sites.

Currently, there are three models available:  i) protein-small molecule, ii) protein-peptide, and iii) nucleic acid-small molecule binding sites. Select one to use below (otherwise, the protein-small molecule model will be used).

If you use BiteNet please cite:

  • Kozlovskii, Igor, and Petr Popov. “Spatiotemporal identification of druggable binding sites using deep learning.” Communications biology 3.1 (2020): 1-12.
  • Kozlovskii, Igor, and Petr Popov. “Protein–Peptide Binding Site Detection Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks.” Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2021).
  • Kozlovskii, Igor, and Petr Popov. “Structure-based deep learning for binding site detection in nucleic acid macromolecules.” NAR genomics and bioinformatics 3.4 (2021): lqab111.


  • Accepted file types: pdb.
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    Filter out BiteNet's predictions with the probability score lower than the threshold
    Kozlovskii, Igor, and Petr Popov. "Spatiotemporal identification of druggable binding sites using deep learning." Communications biology 3.1 (2020): 1-12.
    Kozlovskii, Igor, and Petr Popov. "Protein–Peptide Binding Site Detection Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks." Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling (2021).
    The final model will be released upon publication (currently on review)