Micro grid lab
It consists of an isolated microgrid based on 100% of inverters. It is ideal to test any advanced control in low inertia systems.

In addition to this test bench where you can find solar and wind emulators, energy storage systems, programmable loads, a diesel generator and a syncronous compensator and even a programmable network by using SCADA. On top of that, the micro grid lab has a real time simulator which can interact with the grid creating the hardware-in-the-loop system. Thus, the researcher writes his experiment in Matlab/Simulink and control the real elements and receives the feedback in the simulink to close the contrl loop. The real-time simulator is the OPAL-RT 5600.
In addition to the micro grid test-bench, the micro grid lab also includes solar and wind generation. Regarding solar generation, the students can use the training bench which allows to study efficiency, shadowing and incidence angle. The training bench provides information about the irradiance and the electric measurements so students can evaluate the performance a real PV panel. Students use this bench during smart grid course (Term 4) |
For real and higher power applications, the power electronics team has installed in the roof of the building several PV panels to compare and study efficiency of converters and PV panels. This can be connected to the micro grid directly in order to test the grid in real condition. |
For wind generation, the micro grid lab has also a training bench, in which students can characterize the power extraction as a function of the wind speed, blades’ angle, and number of blades. The wind turbine can be connected to a simple programmable load or to a real enery storage system, to observe the impact of a non linear load. Students use this bench, during the smart grid course (Term 4) |