Vadim Sotskov, PhD student

sotskov-photo-minI have graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Electronics and Nanoelectronics. During my master’s studies, I have joined a double degree program with Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), where I received an additional master’s degree in Technical Physics. To complete my thesis, I have relocated to Aalto University and focused on the application of machine learning algorithms for a bandgap prediction of crystalline materials. After graduation, I worked in the Russian Quantum Center as a research assistant, focusing on many-body quantum systems and investigation of quantum phase transitions using neural networks. At Skoltech, I hold a PhD position in the group of Prof. Alexander Shapeev. Under his supervision, I work on the application of machine learning interatomic potentials for investigation of structure of multicomponent alloys. My research interests include machine learning, solid-state physics, and electronic structure calculations.